Pfeifer & Kreutzer
Installatrionsansicht: Hotel Mariandl während des Münchener Künstlerprojekts "zimmerfrei"
Installation view: Hotel Mariandl during the Munich artist project "zimmerfrei" (room available)
Pfeifer & Kreutzer
"Twins "
Kinetische Soundinstallation (Zwei kinetische Schränke)
kinetic sound installation (two kinetic cupboards)
Raspberry-Pi, Holz raspberry-Pi, wood
Pfeifer & Kreutzer
Kinetische Soundskulptur (Uhr) kinetic sound sculpture (clock)
Mp-3 Player, Holz Mp-3 player, wood
Pfeifer & Kreutzer
"Mirror, mirror on the wall"
Kinetische Soundskulptur (Kinetischer Spiegelschrank)
kinetic sound sculpture (Kinetic mirror cupboard)
Raspberry-Pi, Spiegelschrank raspberry-Pi, mirror cupboard